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Past Events

Join us Feb. 3 for an introduction to Centering Prayer

Reverend Danny Schieffler will lead an introductory workshop on the practice of Centering Prayer on Saturday, February 3rd. The workshop will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church and the ArkansasHouse of Prayer, with check-in beginning at 8:30 a.m. at St. Margaret’s.

Rev. Schieffler is commissioned by Contemplative Outreach as a presenter of this workshop, which that organization describes this way:

“Are you looking for a way to explore or deepen your relationship with God?

In this introductory workshop to Centering Prayer, you will discover a centuries-old prayer method.  Centering Prayer consists of simply sitting in silence with God - beyond thoughts, words, and emotions - and opening our mind, heart and whole being to the Ultimate Mystery.

In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Centering Prayer, experience it in a guided setting, and be able to ask questions and share experiences with the presenter and your fellow initiates.

Centering Prayer is based on a Christian contemplative practice first described in The Cloud of Unknowing, written in the latter half of the 14th Century.”

A unique component of this workshop is the opportunity to spend time in the Arkansas House of Prayer to explore these teachings.

Though the practice of Centering Prayer is rooted in Christianity, this workshop is open to all and applicable to any faith tradition. It's also appropriate for those who are familiar with Centering Prayer and would like to deepen or fresh their practice.

This will be a brown-bag lunch event; beverages will be provided. The workshop is free to attend, but a suggested offering of $10 (or any amount deemed appropriate or affordable) would be appreciated.

For questions, please contact us at

To register, click here:

Deepening Prayer - Necessary Silence

Saturday, December 9, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

St. Margaret’s and the Arkansas House of Prayer

House of Prayer Executive Director Sister Deborah Troillett is reprising her popular workshop “Deepening Prayer - Necessary Silence” just in time to provide respite from holiday-season hustle and bustle and offer an opportunity to thoughtfully deepen existing practice.

This two-hour program will include two “tracks”: one for those who may be new to the House of Prayer and wish to learn more about its mission, uses, and resources, and one for previous visitors who wish to enjoy an extended time in the meditation room or on the grounds and then convene to share experiences and wisdom with newcomers. This is an advent event for those who observe.

For questions or to RVSP by December 7, please contact

Love Thy Neighbor: Tending the Sacred Flame

Thursday, September 7, 6 p.m.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Please join us for our annual interfaith prayer service, Love Thy Neighbor: Tending the Sacred Flame, a celebration of peace through music, prayer, and wisdom. At the heart of this year’s service is the idea that religion has the power to bless and also the power to harm. Embedded in the core of each religion are the tools of self critical faith that can be used to help us bring blessings to this world.

Love Thy Neighbor will be held on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at St. Mark's Episcopal Church at 6 PM. We will also be livestreaming the event at Love Thy Neighbor began as an interfaith prayer service to help bring people together who are dedicated to peace in our community and around the world.

Join us as we learn to tend and celebrate this sacred flame with this year’s keynote speaker Rabbi Rachel Mikva. Rabbi Mikva is the Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman Chair & Associate Professor of Jewish Studies, and Senior Faculty Fellow of the InterReligious Institute at Chicago Theological Seminary. She is a prolific author, and has been a featured panel member at the CALS Six Bridges Book Festival. Her book, Dangerous Religious Ideas, interrogates the way that faith can help us tame the sacred flame within our hearts, but can also fuel violence and bigotry when left unchecked. Mikva’s latest book, Interreligious Studies, provides a foundation for navigating religious differences and building an interfaith practice. 

The event is FREE and open to all age groups. This event is co-sponsored by The Interfaith Center of Arkansas and Arkansas House of Prayer. Stay up to date by visiting website.”

Mornings with Sacred Silence

featuring Annabelle Tuck

Contemplating the God’s Sacred Name, the Four-Letter Tetragrammaton: YHVH

Tuesday, May 9, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.

Join us online for Mornings with Sacred Silence on Tuesday, May 9, featuring Annabelle Tuck for a reflection and meditation on the Tetragrammaton, or the sacred name of God in the Hebrew Bible.

Annabelle will offer a 20-minute teaching on YHVH  followed by a silent meditation during which participants will have the opportunity to focus on a typographic representation of the four-letter Hebrew name of God. After that, participants will have time to share reflections on their internal experience, if they choose.

Register for free HERE

Justice Annabelle Imber Tuck is the first woman to be elected to the Supreme Court of Arkansas. She has served on several legal committees and boards and is an active community advocate. Justice Tuck retired from the Arkansas Supreme Court in 2009 and currently serves as a Public Service Fellow/Jurist-in-Residence at the William H. Bowen School of Law. In 2022, she was included in the inaugural class for induction into the Arkansas Bar Association’s Legal Hall of Fame.

Deepening Prayer - Necessary Silence

Saturday, March 25, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

AHOP Executive Director Sister Deborah Troillett is bringing her popular program Deepening Prayer - Necessary Silence back to the Arkansas House of Prayer on Saturday, March 25, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., for those who were unable to attend the last session.

We’ll begin in St. Margaret’s Parish Hall with an introduction to silent prayer followed by a brief practice. Then we’ll explore how the House of Prayer can enrich your own practice and visit AHOP’s adjacent building and grounds. If weather permits, we’ll walk the labyrinth—a beautiful, meditative space that provides the opportunity to engage with silence in a way that only nature can provide. After that, we’ll go back to the Parish Hall for another moment of silence followed by time for questions.

To register, please e-mail by March 23. This experience is free of charge and made possible by our generous supporters.

St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church is at 20900 Chenal Parkway, Little Rock, AR, 72223

Deepening Prayer - Necessary Silence

Join us on Saturday, March 4, 8:30 a.m. to noon, for an in-person session at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church and the Arkansas House of Prayer for a morning of reflection with AHOP Executive Director Sister Deborah Troillett.

We'll begin in St. Margaret's with an introduction to the practice of silent prayer, followed by a brief practice. Then we'll explore how the House of Prayer can enrich your own practice and visit AHOP's adjacent building and grounds. If weather permits, we'll walk the labyrinth—a beautiful, meditative space that provides the opportunity to engage with silence in a way that only nature can provide. Then we'll go back to the Parish Hall for another moment of silence, followed by any questions.

This is a Lenten practice for those who observe.

Register by March 1st by contacting This experience is free and made possible by our generous supporters.

St. Margaret's Episcopal Church is at 20900 Chenal Parkway, Little Rock, AR, 72223