
The Arkansas House of Prayer is an interfaith haven, set apart in nature, dedicated to contemplative prayer, meditation, and quiet, where all are welcome.

  • Sit

    Sit in sacred silence in our beautiful building.

  • Walk

    Walk the labyrinth anytime during daylight hours.

  • Breathe

    Breathe in the many scents that nature offers.

Upcoming Events

  • Practicing Sacred Silence

    Every Tuesday, 7:30–8 a.m.

    The 30-minute session via Zoom includes a simple lesson from the guest host, followed by 20 minutes of shared silence and a closing. This is perfect if you cannot take time out of a demanding workday and a busy family evening to visit the House of Prayer in person.

  • Mornings with Sacred Silence

    March 11, 7:30–8:30 a.m.

    Mornings with Sacred Silence is held every second Tuesday of the month via Zoom, except during the summer. Our special guest in March will be artist Lisa Thorpe teaching about Visio Divina and the Everyday Collect form of prayer.

  • 'Be Still and Know' Workshop

    March 22, 9 a.m.–12 noon

    The Rev. Danny Schieffler will lead a morning of stillness, quiet, and teaching about the method of centering prayer. This event is for anyone needing relief from the noise and fear and anxiety in our world.

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter to make sure you never miss an event.

“This is one of the most special places in Arkansas. There is nothing else like it. When I arrive, I immediately feel at peace.”

Connect with us.